Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Heading To Canberra.

Cruzing up to Canberra tomorrow for Stromlo nationals.
Pretty keen for state champs should get some good footage, got some new ideas of what I want to do with this. Couple of weeks should see the final result.
I'll leave you with this video to keep you happy.

Lauire Dinham from kane chenoweth on Vimeo.

Jake goes to Queensland...

Well, i've been working and off the camera for quite some time now..
And i've also been very lazy with my camera...

It's time to get back in the game..

I leave for QLD on the 17th and will be back and firing on the 24th or so!
Look out for me when I return!

Been Busy.

Sorry about the lack of posts.
Been really busy for the past couple months with nationals and filming ect.
I will hopefully start post more regularly.
I'd like to thank Alex Netthiem (Nelly) For the photo in the banner, really helped.

On another note heres something I did couple days ago its of Connor Fearon Shredding at the new Windies Track. I really think the builders have done quite well for them selves and what they have done, congratulations.

Connor Fearon, Chilled Sesh from kane chenoweth on Vimeo.