Monday, June 8, 2009

Update - A Wintery Old Adelaide

Rain, rain and more rain in little old Adelaide at the moment. I have been doing some shooting with Connor Fearon the post couple weeks, will hopefully be finishing off his section in the next couple of weeks. Besides that its been pretty quite in that section but in the press Ryan has just secured me a spot in [R]evolution in two issues time about ''Showcase'' I have had a lot of interest in the film about preordering which is good signs. Finished my Demo reel for sponos too so everything is coming together. This will most likely be my last post because Ryan is setting up new website will update with links ect.

Demo Reel from kane chenoweth on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Well- It’s official. “Kane.” Is making a full length film.
I’ve jumped on the Clicked Media bandwagon as, I guess you could say the manager/sales/main business guy. I’ll be Kane’s general slave/bitch during shoots and organizing printing/shipping/promoting/money for the most part. So when this film comes rolling out, don’t send Kane heaps of PM’s and E-mails about how you can order, because it will drive him up the wall and it’s also what I’m here to take care of.

Due to (very) popular demand as well as a bit of a motivational nudge from me, Kane has decided to put together a full length film. It will be titled “Showcase” as it will be exactly that, a showcase of some of the very best Adelaide has to offer in the riding scene, with some more Australia-wide aspects thrown in for diversity’s sake. There is still a few shoots that Kane wants to put into it and quite a few organizational things to be done, so it won’t be available for several months. One of the main things we want to offer is a very competitive price. This won’t get us rolling in the green stuff, it’s both a dabble into hugely competitive market of film production and an opportunity for Kane to display the vast talent and high level of quality you’ve all no doubt come to expect when you cruise into the “Phat Vids” section and see he’s got something new to show everyone.

Postage Australia-wide will be part of the film’s price tag, and it will feature
-60+ minute play length (not including special features)
-Professionally done, high quality printed CD’s and cases
-Footage from both national and state races
-Plenty of special features (crash section, deleted scenes, director’s commentary and more.)
-That warm fuzzy feeling you get when you watch Kane’s mini-films

I’m going to be funding this project, so the first run of DVD’s will be of about 200 copies. You will be able to pre-order through me closer to the completion date, but that won’t be for a while. Also- should we sell out of DVD’s we will put an order in for more, so by no means are the first 200 the only copies ever going to come into existence. We just want to see how things pan out, because as a fifteen year old I don’t have thousands of dollars to pour into something without an idea of how it will end.

We’d love some feedback for this; particularly on what you think is a reasonable price as well as some features you’d like to see in the film. Nothing will be written off as a stupid idea, so just let us know what you think.

Also- please don’t ask things like “When will it be done?”, “Where can I pay for it?” and “Can I pre-order now?”. All I know at this stage is it will take a few months to get everything finalized. I’ll let everyone know about payment options closer to the release date, just sit tight for now

Note to business owners: If you would like to get aboard as a sponsor, please contact me via PM and we can discuss our options. More sponsors= less overhead costs=cheaper sales price=more sales= more exposure for your product

Special thanks:
New Era Media-for Printing/CD's, Covers and production.

Showcase from kane chenoweth on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fun days with Laurie.

Another fun day filming.
We had a new guessed come out to the shot his name is Jonny.
The day went all to plan except the lighting was pretty bad to shoot in but otherwise is was a good day.

Untitled from kane chenoweth on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nike6.0 Media Apprentice

Just got recommended to this Nike6.0 Media Apprentice Looks pretty cool, suss it out.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Fun Day

Went filming with Alan and Chris on saturday, went to Hackham, Paramount and Halletcove for a days filming turned out pretty well. Chris sents some big gap and Alan through down

Alan and Chris from kane chenoweth on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dolly Test.

Connor, Ryan and I have been planning to build a dolly for a solid 2 months or so and we decided to bite the bullet last weekend. We took it out for a test last weekend too with Connor, Ryan was my dolly bitch and we had some fun times..

Dolly Test Video from kane chenoweth on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nationals Funk.

Well Stromlo National Champs will be my last nationals for the year, so I have decided to make a little highlight reel of my season. This is more showing the funny side of the year and just jammin ect. I wont be doing so much shooting now considering sport commitments ect, hopefully I'll be able to get a few up. Also you shall be expecting a little surprise of Connor Fearon.
Click Here

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Heading To Canberra.

Cruzing up to Canberra tomorrow for Stromlo nationals.
Pretty keen for state champs should get some good footage, got some new ideas of what I want to do with this. Couple of weeks should see the final result.
I'll leave you with this video to keep you happy.

Lauire Dinham from kane chenoweth on Vimeo.

Jake goes to Queensland...

Well, i've been working and off the camera for quite some time now..
And i've also been very lazy with my camera...

It's time to get back in the game..

I leave for QLD on the 17th and will be back and firing on the 24th or so!
Look out for me when I return!

Been Busy.

Sorry about the lack of posts.
Been really busy for the past couple months with nationals and filming ect.
I will hopefully start post more regularly.
I'd like to thank Alex Netthiem (Nelly) For the photo in the banner, really helped.

On another note heres something I did couple days ago its of Connor Fearon Shredding at the new Windies Track. I really think the builders have done quite well for them selves and what they have done, congratulations.

Connor Fearon, Chilled Sesh from kane chenoweth on Vimeo.